Transnational teachers meeting in Cammarata, November 2017

Samia Abid Bailly, French coordinator
Martina Boratkova, Slovak coordinator
Maria Dorotea La Placa, Italian coordinator
Nazarena Tuzzolino, Italian English teacher
Salvatore Lo Presti, Italian headmaster


6 November  2017
- Team introduction
- Presentation of the 3 schools and cities.
- Explanation of the project, clearing up some ideas
(+ contact of the Italian national agency for registration of the partner Italian school on mobility tool)

7 November 2017

-Logo competition: the pupils’ choice + adjustment: colours, shapes… Choice of a motto
-Insertion of the logo in all Erasmus+ documents
-Website and Facebook updating with articles about logo competition and final choice
- Discussion/evaluation about etwinning (adjustment)
- Discussion and creation of Handbook of the basic project rules and obligations in the various fields of the project (management, budget, implementation, evaluation, dissemination).

- Reviewing of the Gantt chart and planning for the 2-year partnership, with the actual dates : Defining and sharing the responsibilities among partners, listing the tasks, sub-tasks, the role of each partner, the target, the outcome awaited, the deadline for transmission and the level of dissemination wanted.

-Planning and preparing the different activities listed in the Gantt chart
- Building up the methodology tools for evaluation, and the guidelines for written questionnaires, evaluation sheets, skill tests ( creation of common templates)

- Presentation of interest/ guidance / skill tests : what was done in each country, what was successful or less successful, exchange of practices

- Website and Facebook updating about this.

8 November 2017
-Gathering of pupils in international pairs according to job interests (according to the results of the first tests)
This was planned bu not done, because we needed to change the Italian group of pupils selected for the the learning activities. Indeed, the 3 countries selected pupils from the 3rd year, but in Italy the 3rd year is also the last year of lower secondary school. And we need to keep the same pupils or a 2-year-period to be able to see and evaluate their evolution.

- Elaborating on the jobs and branches, we are going to work on (according to the first results of interest/skill/guidance tests); planning the workshops with professionals/ choice of companies/farms/firms for the internship periods. Presentation of the associations and firms we are going to work with in each country.

- Determining the general aspect of the diagram cards (how to classify, and quickly recognize the card according to the sector of activity, the country... using background colours, external outlines...

- Determine the general guidelines for the internship periods (questions to ask the professionals, observation guidelines… and ptemplate internship reports), creation of common templates.

9 November 2017
- Europass/CV and language, Europass mobilities: creation of common templates, choice of CEFR tests for Erasmus pupils.

- Preparation of the  next meeting: Learning activity with pupils in Sicily:  arrangements, work on project details : dates, accommodation for pupils/ workshops/ excursions/ internship periods

- Visit to some companies and professionals involved in the project in Cammarata.

-Dissemination of information to parents, and schools via  the website and facebook

10 November 2017
- Presentation of the methodology workshop (France) and the workshops done in Italy and Slovakia. Sharing about the RIASEC tests.
- Evaluation of the transnational meeting.
- Dissemination of information to parents, pupils and schools via the website and Facebook.

2nd transnational teachers meeting in Cammarata

This is our second transnational meeting. In the project, we only planned 2 meetings: one at the beginning for the preparation of the project and one at the end to complete the final report.

But, we thought it would be useful to meet again at the beginning of the second year of the project to review the intermediate report, prepare and adjust activities and workshops for the second year of project, agree on the series of RIASEC tests pupils will do...

As this meeting comes just before the third and last Learning, Teaching and Training activity in Slovakia, we also prepared the pairing of pupils according to their interest for the training periods in the different companies in Partizánske, Slovakia. 


here is the detailed programme


12 September 2018


1. Reviewing of the Gantt chart and planning of the 2nd year partnership.

2. Agreement on dates, deadlines

3. Planning and preparing the different activities/workshops:

- Listing of the chosen jobs in each category.

- Choice of professionals in the different categories.

- Explanation of the workshops that are to be led by professionals with pupils.


13 September 2018


1. Common work on the Leaning/Teaching and Training Activity n°3 in Slovakia:

- Agreement on the excursions/activities

- Reviewing of the different firms and companies for the pupils’ internships

-Pairing of the pupils according to their profiles and interest to place them in the most appropriate firm

2. Presentation of interest/ guidance / skill tests: 

- Behaviour/adaptation tests (C.R. Roger)

-Personality tests (Caprarga, Barbaranelli), the theory of the Big Five

-Motivation and guidance tests (Mandel, Friedland, Marcus)

-Efficiency tests / tests to determine the type of intelligence (Meili)

-Ability to succeed in manual professions (Macquarriet)

-RIASEC tests (Holland) using IRMR scale (Rothwell-Miller)

3. Choice of the most appropriate kind of tests do be given to pupils to help them know themselves, their abilities, their intelligence and interests better; so they can be better prepared in the guidance process.


14 September 2018


1. Europass mobilities: 

Preparation of the templates for the Leaning/Teaching and Training Activity n°3 in Slovakia:

2. Europass/CV and language

3. Peer-learning

With and without the job cards: sharing experiences, exchange of practices. 

Agreement on a common work.


4. Dissemination activities: 

- Discussions, sharing experiences, exchange of practices.


5. Evaluation of the Transnational meeting

3rd Transnational teachers meeting in Partizanske, Slovakia

3rd TRANSNATIONAL MEETING for Erasmus + “Ready for my future job “ partners in Partizanske (Slovakia) for the final report.


2-4 July 2019


- Feedback on the project from the 3 schools

- Updating of the common website

- Filling in the final report