Profile and interest tests at Collège La Providence

Here are a few exemples of diagrams obtained after the profile and interest tests of october 2017.  Indeed each Earsmus+ pupil did a series of ONISEP tests to know more about what they really like doig as their future career is concerned. 

After these results, with the help of the guidance consellor,  they listed the branches and jobs in their domain of interest. Other, more advanced tests will be led in December 2018.

A Methodology workshop at La Providence School

Document used during this workshop
formation méthodo Erasmus V2.pdf
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Erasmus+ Workshop: the importance of Methodology in the building up of a project


 In October 2017, Erasmus pupils were involved in a 3 hour-workshop dedicated to methodology, led by Marie Buard, trainer  and consulting engineer in organic agriculture and Samia Bailly, teacher and Erasmus+ coordinator. The aim of this workshop was to show the importance of a precise methodology in the building up of any project.


First, pupils had a one- hour theoretical, where they learnt to define a project using a specific  vocabulary, and to share roles in a work team ( leader, rapporteur...) in order to be more efficient; then, the following day, they experienced a two-hour practical part ; indeed, they were divided in 4 teams  of 6 and had to build up a project: the organization of a talent festival for teenagers that would take place in the Palais des Congrès in Poitiers.


Two teams worked in parallel: the first without any help, the second with a project chart that helped them to structure the project in terms of objectives, stakes, context, issues, means, role of actors and partners, monitoring, reduction of risks andorganizeit in terms of tasks (link, order, duration), distribution of tasks and means, planning,  help and evaluation.


In the same time, the two other teams worked on the preparation of the project evaluation : One team with no help, the other with a chart “assets/constraints/opportunities/menace), and the project chart of the first group.


The rapporteurs of the 2 project teams presented their projects, then the rapporteurs of the 2 project evaluation teams presented their evaluation of the project.


After a collective debriefing, successively comparing the 2 productions (with and without methodology), pupils noticed the obvious advantage of following a strict and precise methodology in the building up of a project. They quickly understood the importance of this tool and its possible use for the building up of any educational, personal or professional project.


Thus, was also highlighted the importance of the path that leads to the objective. A path planted in a setting, with steps, partners,  possible difficulties or derived ways,  eventually leading to the final goal,  which should always be keep in mind.

Definition of a project and the way leading to the final goal

Video résumé of the workshop

Press article in Centre Presse

Exemple of a pupil's evaluation sheet after this workshop

Guidance on the Labor Market - Slovakia

On 2nd - 3rd November 2017 were pupils of Erasmus+ group at ZŠ na Malinovského ul, Partizánske involved in 12 hours training about Orientation in the Labor Market prepared by lecturers from K.A.B.A. Slovakia. The students went through a series of tests, games, and activities aimed at identifying their own personality and their first professional orientation. Like the pupils in France, they wrote the RIASEC tests, which will help us to direct project activities to the professions that are suitable for students. We will continue in similar activities to make the best choice for a future career path.

An annual exchange of upper secondary and vocational schools - Slovakia

Slovak pupils visited today an annual exchange of upper secondary and vocational schools in Partizánske, where we could see in one place a large number of schools with different focus and offers from surrounding districts. In the same place we could see local businesses and employers who offer a dual education system in their companies, too.

OSH training - Slovakia

A very important part of the project will be international internships and workshops in companies and factories. So we need to know the basics safety and health rules at workplace. Pupils at ZŠ na Malinovského ul. in Partizánske attended today the short OSH training with Mr. Sakáč - safety trainer. He provided us a basic introduction to health and safety international rules, signs and symbols found in the workplace. He used for it very nice videos about Napo. Napo is hero in a series of animated films, co-produced by a small group of European organisations, to introduce important workplace safety and health topics in a memorable, light-hearted way. More about this topic you can find here:

Show Jobs - Singer - Slovakia

Show Jobs - Singer Pupils at ZS Malinovského ul. in Partizánske have been started their work on the first common topic - Show Jobs. Our first guest today was singer Veronika Danišová . She told us about her educational path from the Basic Art School and Conservatoire to the career of professional singer. Very important moment in her career was Superstar competition, which opened her doors to showbusiness. We worked with Jobs Cards and asked her for answers on all questiones there. She sang our school song too:

SHOW JOBS: A cinema workshop  at La Providence School


Erasmus + pupils had the opportunity to take part in a very special workshop during the Film Festival in Poitiers. Indeed, after the results of the first interest tests, we decided to organize this workshop to make them discover the different jobs linked to cinema.

With the help of professionals from the film industry, our motivated group created a short film, “a failed bank robbery”. During  the filming, they tried different roles: cameraman, sound engineer, script writer, actor, extra, prop man… So they had to adopt the right attitude, or expression, find the right prop, the best place for the shooting and  the sound recording, respect the script, the timing and the constraints of the place. When ‘Action’ was pronounced, everybody was ready, and if the shooting wasn’t perfect, they had to do it again… Our pupils were so absorbed and interested that the 3 hours and a half of workshop just flew away so quickly… They were surprised by the weight of the cameras and the precision everywhere. They could see  the different kinds of jobs involved, the length, accuracy and complexity of a filming, and imagine the cost. Together, they created a one-minute sequence, and they are ready to do it again… Now they will be working on the diagram cards about the jobs related to cinema.

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This is the short sequence created by Erasmus+ pupils from La Providence school, Poitiers, on 16th December during the cinema workshop... 1 min30 of short film "a failed break in" after more than 3 hours of shooting and work..

links to help you show jobs

Example of pupils' evaluation sheets after this workshop

SHOW JOBS - Workshop in BAILADOR Dance STUDIO - Slovakia

Slovak pupils from Erasmus+ team continue in they work on the topic about Show Jobs. Today we had workshop in BAILADOR Dance STUDIO. We could try a short choreography of the Latin American dance BACHATA. So the occupations for today were: Dancer, Dance Coach and Choreographer.


Every music teacher talked about their own personal experience focussing on the enjoyment of music and on their musical instrument. Many important concepts and meaningful reflections were made by the teachers and by students as well: If you are a talented musician you can understand music more clearly and  appreciate it in a different way. You can get greater pleasure out of listening to music.                                     

Music has its own language that “speaks” directly to the emotions. It is really a language, a way to communicate our inner feelings and it can make us feel happy and relaxed, when we feel blue. Anyone is capable of enjoying music, let’s think of the way babies and also animals respond when they listen to music. Playing a musical instrument to become a musician can help you be a versatile and talented musician or singer who is self-disciplined and able to take criticism. As a professional musician or singer, you’ll also need to be comfortable performing in front of a crowd.


Then the teachers answered to a lot of questions asked by the students who showed a lot of interest. If your dream is to become a hip-hop singer, a guitar player or a star soprano you’ll need top technical skills talent, stage presence, and a thick skin to put up with the intense competition. You’ll have to be ready to spend long hours practising, work nights and weekends on rehearsals, tour nationally and internationally, be comfortable performing in front of a crowd. If music is your passion try to understand if it is worth to play a musical instrument and make music your own career.


On 24th January Erasmus plus students were involved in the second part of the "Show Jobs" Workshop. The event took place thanks to the precious collaboration of our school musical instrument teachers (Prof. D. Incontro, Prof. F Arcodia, Prof. D. Meli and Prof. Maria R. Di Marco) and the participation of well-known local artists belonging to the "INCANTO" group (Adalgisa Maida, Andrea Narcisi and Giuseppe Leto, Maria R. Di Marco). After a first moment dedicated to listening to some pieces of music performed by teachers and artists, a very interesting debate began. The singers were asked many questions about their passion for classical music, theatre, music shows, their job experience, possible future jobs and careers opportunities in the entertainment sector as well. After the “question time” students were enganged in a creative music workshop to explore the world of music also from an emotional point of view and they expressed their inner feelings through drawings and messages while listening to different kinds of music. It was great!

New technologies and their influence on jobs in the future - Slovakia

On Tuesday 19th December 2017 students from Erasmus+ group at ZŠ na Malinovského ul. in Partizánske welcomed Andrej Grman - student of LEAF ACADEMY (international upper secondary school in Bratislava). He prepared for them short peer learning - workshop about new technologies a and their influence on jobs in the future. He told them about 7 most importent competences for a job market in the future: critical thinking and ability to solve problems; cooperation and good leadership; ability to adapt; initiative and entrepreneurship; effective verbal and written communication; evaluation and analysis of information and courage and imagination.

Christmas concert - Show Jobs - Slovakia

Christmas concert was our last activity under the topic about Show Jobs. We prepared it in cooperation with a singer Veronika Danišová during our Erasmus+ club. We invited some others profesionals of musiciens and our clasmates from other classes, too. The concert took place on 22th December 2017 in the Church of St. Thomas Apostolus in Partizánske. The jobs what we practicied there were: Lucka - a singer; Danielka and Sophie - a presenters; Majka - a guitarist.

Workshop at Alain Boutin's restaurant in Poitiers for La Providence Erasmus+ pupils

Some Erasmus+ pupils from La Providence took part in a practical workshop with the Chef Alain Boutin, at his restaurant in Poitiers. During all the month of January, they worked on jobs related to hotels,
restaurants and catering services. They met Alain Boutin, also president of the independents'regional Union on 19th January at school. He showed and explained the different branches and jobs of this sector. On the 2nd February, during this workshop, they worked on reception, concierge service, table dressing service, decoration, tableware, pancake cooking for Candlemas... a whole programme of discovery in a nice atmosphere with Alain Boutin, the chef, Annick Boutin, the butler and Diego, their waiter and apprentice, all of them were available, patient and fine pedagogues. The pupils were very interested and asked a lot of questions. The workshop ended with the tasting of the pancakes freshly cooked by the group, around a table nicely laid and decorated.

Theoretical workshop on 19th January. Presentation of the big sector of activity by Alain Boutin, president of the independents' regional Union.

Article in  Centre Presse, 27  February 2018

RHDD ( Restaurer (feed) Héberger (accomodate) Divertir (entertain)  Détendre (relax) ) group of jobs (France)

Link to information about event organizer (France)

Examples of pupils' evaluation sheets after this workshop

Lilian Restaurant.pdf
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Food Industry - hotel, restaurant, café, brewery - Slovakia

On Monday 22/1 2018 our erasmus + group visited Azul - the place where we could find a hotel, restaurant, café and brewery. They showed us how it is working there, how we can prepare drinks, caffe and food for guests. And we could see the process of preparing of beer. The jobs were - waiter, chef, brewer, manager.

Food Industry - a chocolate shop - Slovakia

Everybody has a dream. Somebody wants to be a singer or an actor... Somebody wants to own a small patisserie or a chocolate shop. But how to do it? Mrs Péčová, the owner of a small chocolate shop and a patisserie answerd this question on Monday 29/01/2018. She told us about her business plan, about all licences, training and courses they are needed if you want to have own chocolate shop one day. We asked a lot of questions about a job description of confectioner - the main job we were interested in.

A workshop about FOOD INDUSTRY at GiovanniXXIII School

Workshop on Food Industry for Erasmus + students at Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni XXIII Cammaratax

 Last week  a workshop on food services industry took   place at  Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni XXIII thanks to the participation of six important local firms “Lo Storione”,  “Casale Margherita”, “Fattoria Giambrone”, “ Bar Sicilia”, Panificio Terrarossa” and “La Dolceria”.

Students got involved in a very interesting discussion concerning food and they were invited to reflect on food quality, health and food, food and tradition. Another important topic was fast food chains and brands coming from many parts of the worlds that have spread widely leading to cosmopolitan eating habits. Food is not only a question of taste, but also of culture and many other issues. The most important thing is that eating well means living well.

 Students asked a lot of questions after they listened the speakers’ experiences, training, skills, qualifications and employment opportunities in the hospitality and food services industries.  

After the conference on Food Industry, our students, in small groups, went to partner companies where they carried out practical activities.

Food Industry - an excursion to the Afrodita restaurant - Slovakia

What kind of skills, abilities and knowledge do you need if you want to work in the one of the best Slovak restaurants? Is an education really important? Next stop for our erasmus+ group on our way to get more information about Food Industry was the one of the best Slovak restaurants Afrodita in Čereňany close by Partizánske. The owner and a head chef Marian Filo cooked a dinner for a French ex-presindent François Hollande, kings, queens and other presidents during their state visit in Slovakia. We could see that if you want to be a good waiter or cook, you need to know an etiquette and a good manners and you need to have a lot of additional courses and trainings - a sommelier, a barista....

Design - Workshop with a fashion designer Dajana Rodriguez - Slovakia

Dajana Rodriguez is a talented young women who has in her 26 years own a very successful brand of bags - RD. Today she told us about her education path and life story to this business. We could work together with her and created own bags. You can see our products here :). Some more information about Dajana and her job you can find here:

DESIGN JOBS: a workshop with a stylist for La Providence Erasmus+ pupils

On 7th February, a group from the Erasmus+ project met Aurelie Dardente, a stylist and textile designer.
She presented her job to the pupils: she is a freelancer and she is regularly hired by companies/ clients to design a line of sportswear, to create a logo for a firm or to promote a brand.
She showed her book, with figurines, samples of fabrics, sketches...
She explained the different steps in the creation of a piece of clothing :

-Research of inspiration,

-Analysis of society tendencies to anticipate the evolution and find the right future fashion (shapes, colors....), -Drawing and creation of a mood board,

-Design of the product with CAD (Computer Aided Design) softwares,

-Work on the technical files,

-Creation of a prototype of the piece,

-Adjustment of the prototype,

-Gradation of sizes,

-Pattern making...

-Creation of the technical papers for the accessories...

She also explained the relationships and communication between the different jobs (designer, stylist, artistic director, clothes maker... )
The pupils tried to find the qualities, skills and competences required to fulfill this job.

Then, they used their creativity to design a tee shirt representing the project and the partnership; they used the common logo, and tried to sketch different possibilities using also the logos of the 3 schools... The designer helped them to finalize their project on the software illustrator.
The pupils were very involved and did their best to design this tee shirt, respecting the given constraints.
Here is the result.

If you are interested in this job in France, here are some interesting links to Design Jobs

Example of a pupil's evaluation sheet after this workshop

Design - T-shirts - Workshop - Slovakia

On Thursday 08/03/2018 we learned how to work with a graphic software - gimp. And in cooperation with an art and a design teacher S. Šuňalová from Art School we created some proposals of T-shirts. You can see our work here :)

Media jobs: a workshop with a journalist for La Providence Erasmus+ pupils

On March 26th, a group from the Erasmus+ project met Patricia Perin, a journalist and editor in chief at our regional television, France 3. She presented her job: treatment of information, sharing, dividing of the work between the members of the team, filming of reports on the field and editing, dissemination of news on the internet and presentation on the regional television. She also talked about the education path to become a journalist: there are about 30 schools preparing to media jobs, but only 14 give state recognized diplomas. There is less and less work in this branch, so less and less persons have their press card (a national pass that shows you are a journalist recognized by the profession, able to transmit real news).


She explained also the main qualities needed to do this job: be versatile (it is important today to know how to film, take good photos, create film reports…), speak several languages, be curious, well-organized, be able to quickly build up relationships, deal with the unexpected, be able to work quickly, under tight deadlines and adapt to the situation… agree to work on weekends, or late in the evening and travel in the country and possibly abroad.


The job of a reporter has changed through the years, with the development of the internet  network. A journalist must always  check the reliability of a fact or news before releasing it.


Then, the pupils were given AFP (Agency France Press) news. They are very brief news, and if the news is important, details are sent gradually. So, like real journalists in their real job environment, they highlighted important facts and tried to build up an article very quickly, then, they read and present it in front of a camera for 1 minute.   They learnt to classify and structure information, to write in the present tense to make the news more vivid… They worked in groups and found it difficult to read quickly, keep the most important, synthesize and agree with their friends… Anyway, they were very involved and did their best.


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Here is an exemple of article written very quickly by the group after reading the numerous AFP news and read by Romane.

Example  of a pupil's evaluation sheet after this workshop

First aid course with a Red cross - Slovakia

Help people, take care of them, save to their lives. This is a mission of doctors, rescuers, nurses. Some of Slovak pupils dream about this job. That it is a nice but very hard and important job we could see during our the first aid course with rescuers from the Red cross. We could talk with them about their jobs, but we could try it too. We learned a lot very important and useful information.

First Aid Course in la Providence School - France


All the pupils in 4e in Collège La Providence had a special First Aid training course that lasted 3 days. After that training, they obtained their 1st level certification.

The aim was to discover some jobs linked to health and rescue but also to learn first–aid interventions to be able to

- protect the victim

- call the proper emergency assistance

- preserve the victim and prevent the worsening of her health until assistance arrival.  

Pupils used role playing in different scenarios :



The victim is suffocating.

The victim is bleeding. 

The victim is unconscious.

The victim stopped breathing.

The victim has a blackout.

So they learned a lot of useful gestures and tips while having fun!


Farming/Agriculture - Garden Centre Sujan - Slovakia

A gardener, a garden architect, an arranger - there are 3 new occupations which could discover pupils from ZS na Malinovskeho ul. v Partizánskom on April of 16th 2018. We visited Garden Centre Sujan close to Partizanske. We could not only speak with profesionals about their jobs, but we could tried it too. We had a very interesting workshop with a gardener architect and an arranger and we could projected a terace with a flowers. And later with a gardener we could planted a plants. Maybe someone of our students will do some of these occupations in future too :)

Collège La Providence: A workshop with a jeweller

Erasmus+ pupils went to a workshop with M. Taillefer, a jeweller, who obtained the title of best worker in France. He has a studio in the city center of Poitiers where he welcomed the pupils, showed them the different material and tools used, explained the percentage of each metal to create jewels in gold, silver... to insert precious stones...

He talked about his education path and his learning in the workshop of another jeweller. He explained the qualities required to do this very meticulous and strictly controlled job. He also showed some melting, repairing and polishing of some pieces of jewellery.

Pupils were very interested to discover this new job.

Example of a pupil's evaluation sheet after this workshop

I. C. Giovanni XXIII Cammarata - "My future between freelancer and handicraft"

Another important workshop for Erasmus + students at the Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni XXIII Cammarata with freelancers and local artisans took place on April 20th. The goal was the conservation of natural resources, the study of the earth, engineering, chemistry, building design, technology, graphic design, cosmetics and mechanics. The experts talked about their work and the opportunities of the students to enter the labor market and gave advice to the students to choose the most appropriate educational and career paths. The students were involved in the content thanks to the speakers' ability to motivate them.

Celebration of New School Year for “Giovanni XXIII” Institute according to Erasmus + “Ready for my future job” and New European Competencies

For the Celebration of the new School Year, Giovanni XXIII Institute students had the opportunity to talk about Erasmus+ Project” Ready for my future job”, as this year the theme was” the New Competences” . Students, teachers, parents were pleased to listen to the students who talked about all the activities such as workshops, internships mobilities and excursions connected to the project. It began right here in our small town where Slovakian and French partners came and were welcomed by the school and mainly by families and students. Then in June, the second mobility took them to France and last month to Slovakia.
Everything went well, and what is really important, students have learned a lot about jobs and about other cultures and more importantly they and their families have now close bonds of friendship with their partners. They have also practised their English language competence and developed their social competence and European citizenship. And all this thanks to the European Union that offers students the possibility to move around the Union to learn and acquire competences that can be used in the future in order to realise one’s own dreams and build a better world. 
So we can proudly say that our students have developed "… entrepreneurship, creativity and a sense of initiative, a practical business experience during school education” they have also developed partnerships between institutions and organizations in the fields of education, youth training in the world of work as it is underlined in the New Recommendations.

A Lectio Magistralis on Agriculture, Environment, Tourism, Extreme Weather.

A meeting has been organised in Cammarata about Agriculture, Environment, Tourism, Extreme Weather, Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Students that have taken part to this very important cultural event have become very involved in these themes and they have also learned a lot about various jobs. The experts talked about geological and meteorological phenomena and natural and sea phenomena as well. Engineers, architects, geologists, agronomists, ecologists, climatologists have to work hard to preserve the environment. It is a very big challenge for those who want to save our planet. Students have been given important information about job qualifications in this field. They have also come to know about the Club of Rome where scientists promote understanding of the global challenges facing humanity and propose solutions through scientific analysis.

Open Day at “Archimede” Secondary School Cammarata

“Giovanni XXIII Institute students were invited at  "Archimede” Secondary School Open Day where Secondary School students talked about their school, performed some  sketches and role plays and finally they worked all together with younger students sharing their knowledge and experience in different workshops. Our students were very much engaged in the workshops and interacted positively with older students and also with teachers.

Workshop in Hairdressing                                Salon Lenia

Within the frame of the project Ready for My Future Job - Erasmus + we went on Monday November 26th 2018 to the hairdressing salon Lenia. Thanks to Lenka Jankulová Král and her team, we could learn more about this profession. We spent two hours in a pleasant, creative atmosphere. Pupils could try this profession on their own - they washed their hair, dried, ironed, curled, some even tried cutting under professional supervision. They also learned about the abilities, skills and education path needed to pursue this profession. We are very thankfull for this workshop. It was really very nice experience and inspiration.

Discovery of possible pathways after lower secondary school, at La Providence

And after the 3ème, what happens?


This is an essential moment for all the pupils in 3ème (last year in lower secondary school), because they have to choose an education path. To help them in their guidance, La Providence school invited several representatives of high schools on 12 December.  During these meetings, pupils discovered the general, technological and vocational pathways, but also the jobs and professions  proposed by the army. A key moment in the process of choice of the right  guidance for them.


Science jobs: A molecular Cluedo at the DNA school for La Providence Erasmus+ pupils

On 10th January 2019, Erasmus+ students discovered science professions through a workshop at the laboratory
of the DNA school; a workshop led by a scientific mediator, whose role is to make the link between the world
of research and the public through exhibitions, workshops ...)
The group participated in a fictitious police investigation and made a MOLECULAR CLUEDO. 
They manipulated real professional and scientific material.
There was a murder!!
The analysis of DNA clues on the crime scene will help the investigation, since each individual has a unique
DNA (except for the identical twins)
DNA is found in all the cells of the body, the DNA molecule is in the chromosomes of the cell. 
the DNA will define the sex, the color of the hair, the eyes ..... the adult has 70 000 billion cells, so he leaves
his DNA everywhere he goes.
On the crime scene, a chewing gum was found. This chewing gum therefore contains traces of DNA contained
in saliva. It is analyzed.
There are 3 suspects
The pupils analyze the DNA of these 3 suspects to compare it with the DNA contained in the chewing gum.
They need to be very precise when manipulating the drop of DNA (microliters) with a micro pipette.
The purpose is to make a genetic fingerprint by cutting the DNA and analyzing the fragments obtained.
Each student has a micro pipette and adjusts a sterile tip to take exactly 10 micro liters of DNA. Each gesture is
technical and therefore requires a lot of precision.
To cut the DNA, they add water, a buffer solution and enzymes. The pH (hydrogen potential) should be stable
at 7.8.
An agitator is used to mix the microliters, and a centrifuge to lower the microliters at the bottom of the mini tube.
Students then place the mini tubes in a 37-degree dry bath as the enzymes act at that temperature to cut the 
DNA. The DNA fragments are analyzed.
A DNA is a sequence of 4 elements: ATGC
These fragments are sorted according to their size with electrophoresis (thanks to a gel and an electric bath).
A syrup is added to the sample of fragments to make it thicker and carefully put, with a micropipette, in the 
electrophoresis bath: water + agarose (gelling agent based on purified alga). After about fifteen minutes,
students can see the results with ultraviolet light, and compare the DNA sequences with the DNA on the
chewing gum.
The group was fascinated by this workshop, they listened attentively and followed the steps meticulously.

Examples of  pupils' evaluation sheets after this workshop

I. C. "Giovanni XXIII" - Cammarata


Inside a nice and very old church in Cammarata,  Erasmus plus students have taken part to a very interesting conference about “SLOW FOOD AND ORGANIC FOOD” held by some experts and High school teachers from Palermo . The speakers have emphasised the need of getting back to our roots if we want to live healthier lives. Eating local organic food from a local farmer is not only good for our health but it is good for the planet, too. If food is not transported a long way, the atmosphere is less polluted and all the chemicals used in intensive farming are avoided.   We should learn to eat local, fresh, organic produce rather than food that has come from the other side of the world. Industrial agriculture uses dangerous pesticides that can cause serious problems for our health. Nowadays, a lot of people are aware of this and think that we all need to move towards eating local, seasonally-produced food.                                                                                                                                                                                Is anyone thinking of growing his/her own delicious fruit and vegetables, setting up a farm and selling organic food? 

Science - Historian

The historian is very important job. The historian deals with the topics they create our past, present and future. Erasmus plus pupils visited on 3th of December 2018 Museum of Holocaust in Sereď, Slovakia. We learnt about the difficult part of our history during the Secon World War and we asked the historians in museum about what is their work. How way they explore our history, what is point of their work and what skills and competencis are needed for this job.

RIASEC, IRMR and other guidance and profile tests at La Providence school

In order to guide our students towards the job that corresponds the best to their personality, abilities and interests, we used the services of a guidance Cabinet: ORIENT'ACTION.


Counselors from ORIENT'ACTION guide and counsel students in their choice of education path and career. They refine their interest profiles using tests.


These tests are used in all orientation centers, recruitment centers, but also by some schools, and psychologists ... to know if the chosen profession, or if the job candidate applies for corresponds to his profile.


This firm also helps adults in their retraining and professional change.

The goal for the pupils is to get to know themselves better by identifying their interests. The tests used, were created and developed at the end of the 50's by the American psychologist Holland, after the war, in order to place former soldiers in the most suitable jobs for them.


Erasmus students had a test booklet that they did before the workshop: RIASEC, IRMR, MBTI ....


During the workshop, the counselor begins by showing the different RIASEC personality profiles: Realistic, Investigator, Artist, Social, Entrepreneur, Conventional, then SHE EXPLAINS the skills, personality traits and interests corresponding to each profile; she also tells them about areas of activity, possible trainings and examples of jobs


The type of each student (his RIASEC code) was determined according to results of the series of tests done the previous week. A new determination of personality traits, general and specific abilities and interests is made with other complementary tests to cross-check the different results. Students then draw a spider graph.


The counselor analyzes the results based on the overlapping parts. Sometimes, some students have graphs that seem illogical, the counselor debriefs with them to understand, as it happens sometimes at this age, that students find themselves in an internal conflict between on the one hand, their interests, their traits of personality and their own abilities and, on the other hand, the will of their parents too far from their child's profile.


She also gives some internet links (useful links on the site), to help the pupils identify possible trades or jobs according to their RIASEC code. 

Science - Botanist, Dendrologist

Pupils from Erasmus + from Slovakia visited on 24th of April 2019 Slovak Academy of Sciences at Arboretum in Mlyňany. At first we had a discussion with the dendrologist Mr Peter Ferus. He explained all the fields of activities of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Mlyňany. And after he showed us the labs and we could see how the scientist worked. We told about the education path, oportunities for scientist in Slovakia, and all the skills and competences needed for this job.

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Sample of results after the tests and debriefing with the professional guidance counsellor

Synthèse IRMR - JANVIER 2017 EMERIC.pdf
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