Italian students' Europass Mobilities after LTTA in Slovakia

Erasmus+ students from I.C. "Giovanni XXIII"- Cammarata have receveid their Europass Mobility after having taken part to the various workshops carried out in Partizanske .

Italian students' Europass Mobilities after LTTA in France

Erasmus+ students from I.C. "Giovanni XXIII"- Cammarata have receveid their Europass Mobility after having taken part to the various workshops carried out in Poitiers .

Italian Europass Mobility Format.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 199.9 KB

Examples of  Europass Mobilities after the teaching, learning and training activity in Italy

302692_EUROPASSMOBILITE Eve Bailly.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 506.8 KB

Poitiers: Handing over of the  Europass Mobilities for the pupils who travelled to Italy

At the end of June, the director of La Providence School gave Erasmus+ pupils their official Europass Mobilities they had previously obtained in Sicily after their internships there.

It is an official document that records knowledge and skills acquired by pupils in another European country.

Examples of Europass mobilities after the teaching, learning and training activity in Slovakia

The handing over of the Europass mobilities in La Providence School, Poitiers for the group who travelled to Slovakia

Instruction for European CV and LANGUAGE PASSEPORT

CV passeport des langues consignes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 388.7 KB

Templates and CECRL

to help you...

In English and French

CECRL: Cardre Europeen Commun de Référence pour les Langues

CEFRL: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

TEPLATES of CV, language passeport and c
Adobe Acrobat Document 167.7 KB
MODELE de CV, lettre de motivation et pa
Adobe Acrobat Document 168.2 KB

Example of CV filled in by Italian Erasmus+ Students.

The project activities and the experiences italian Erasmus+ students have had were registered in their curriculum vitae.

Exemples of CV and Language passports filled in by the French students

Adobe Acrobat Document 331.8 KB
Blanchet Maëva CV et Passport FR.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 189.1 KB
Adobe Acrobat Document 162.4 KB
ERASMUS CV-Europass-Brémaud Louis EN Jui
Adobe Acrobat Document 189.7 KB


The pupils from ZŠ ng Malinovského ul. in Partizánske filled in the sheets of EUROPASS Curriculum Vitae at the beginning as well as at the end of the project. They learned how to work with European documents which can helped them in future on jobs market. They also could see they own progress in their knowledge, abilities and skills.